
who is really racist anyway?

I have noticed for some time now (especially with this particular election) a double standard when it comes to race. I wasn’t planning on saying anything about it, but I feel as though the elephant needs to be exposed. Not in the “exposed” sense where no one has noticed it, but rather “exposed” so people can start to talk about it more. Even if some think it isn’t politically correct.

Not too long ago there was an article written about how harmless it was that someone had placed an effigy (a sculpture or model of someone) of Sarah Palin being hung by the neck from their house, and a John McCain effigy being burned in the chimney. No one said anything about how it was a hate crime, or that it was racist. And when I read the article I couldn’t help but think that I hope someone in America hangs an effigy of Obama and Biden from their house too. Knowing full well the chaos it would cause.

Sure enough days later I read where a student and another man were arrested for hanging an effigy of Obama from a tree. But what shocked me was what happened to the men who did it. They were immediately arrested. This my friends is a double standard. I am confused, and would love for someone to explain to me how it is reasonable, and harmless…or dare I say just “Halloween décor” to hang Palin and burn McCain, but the moment someone hangs an effigy of Obama it is racist, and a hate crime, and the people are arrested.

I know that things are not looking good for Palin and McCain right now, BUT one of the reasons I hope they win on Tuesday is because I want to see how the American people respond. If Obama loses, there will be people all over crying that he lost because he is an African American. I keep hearing people saying that this election isn’t about race, but you know what…if McCain loses it won’t be, BUT if McCain wins…it will be because of the racism in America. Funny how that works.

kyle diroberts


Anonymous Anonymous said...


politics...these type of things just make me sad and frustrated, so overall I'm not really thrilled about having to vote and am undecided. I probably won't make my decision until I open my ballot tonight...

Luckily, I'm pretty sure that McCain is sad that people approach politics with a mean streak, and that Obama is sad that people approach politics with a mean streak and that Jesus is sad that people approach politics with a mean streak.

...i have to say that I'm ready for this election to end...

9:22 AM, November 03, 2008  
Blogger Ordinary Radical said...

its different because of history..not that its right, but thats the reason..if whites were persecuted like blacks were 50 years ago, McCain hanging would be an outrage...

2:50 PM, November 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Racism is Racism! There is most definitely a double standard. It's times like this where both sides loss due other peoples bad ethics. History is just that... history! It is what shapes things! That was not the America that we all know and that is not the America we all live in now... it was a moment n time that shaped what we all are... Americans.

Every culture can claim victim at one time or another!!!

3:19 PM, November 04, 2008  
Blogger Travis Mullen said...

Howdy Kyle,
good post. I think that the image of a black person hanging is connected to racism: kkk, lynch mobs, and the evil history of america. An image of haning a white person doesn't really bring anything to mind, other than just a person hanging, maybe some kind of execution.

There are some things we as whites don't understand in the depth of emotional responses from the black community. I think we should be sensitive and tread lightly when it comes to this absolutely hateful filled past.

White people have oppressed black people in this country for a long time, and its not completely over. There is still A LOT of racism in this country. Some from black people, and some from white. But the gospel is supposed to reconcile us together so they the world would know us by our love for one another (across racial, socio-economic and cultural divides).

I've been learning about something called "white privilege". And its basically the insensitivity we as whites have towards our history. The way we can be non-chalant like 'get over it' to black history in america. We didn't lose anything, we didn't suffer, so its easy for us to act like racially charged issues are no big deal. But for a black person, so see Obama hanging from a tree, brings up the way white people used to handle what they called a "smart n---r". If a black person talked back, or did something threatening (like running for president :), they would come by at night, rip him out of his house and hang him.

I think our country has been in the beginning stages of healing in the past 20 years, but its only the beginning. Racism is still alive and well.


8:00 AM, November 15, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u wish u were black trav :) That's all I have to say!

7:53 PM, November 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, your analysis here is utterly devoid of any empathy for what African Americans suffered through slavery and segregation. but seeing as you dig that assinine james dobson letter, it's not surprising really.

12:12 AM, January 18, 2009  
Blogger Kyle DiRoberts said...

Dear Anonymous,

Thank you for your response. I am not sure how my analysis here in this blog post is showing how I am completely “devoid”, or vacant of any empathy for what African Americans have suffered. All I am trying to voice in this blog post is that I don’t care who you are…hanging anyone’s effigy from a house is disgustingly wrong. Wouldn’t you agree? The humor (or disbelief) in this is that for whatever reason it is less of an evil to hang a white person than it is to hang a black persons effigy. That to me is utterly devoid of any human empathy.

And with regards to the “asinine” James Dobson letter. Did you know that James Dobson did not write the letter? It was composed by a lot of people, and his ministry was the outlet that was used to put it out for everyone to read. Did you read the letter by chance? If so, what did you think (specifically) was so “asinine” about it?—These are honest questions, I’m not trying to be sarcastic.

kyle diroberts

9:53 AM, January 22, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's very easy to be anonymous and make uneducated and illogical comments. If your gonna comment on someones blog, have the balls to take responsibility for what you say.

9:58 PM, January 22, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Mike.

11:11 PM, February 02, 2009  

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